Monday, January 14, 2008

Like the wind

The great question, does life have meaning or are we just floating threw space nothing matters. To me the idea of having a meaningless life is a dark and cold idea. You wake up one day and you genuinly realize " Wow I live a meaningless life and im just part of a cosmic coincidence''. Doesn't that just make you so happy to be alive? Although for the alternative is much better.
I can wake up and accept the fact that I was created with purpose and that when I pass I will pass to better things. Wich makes you feel better? I have personally found nothing that proves that god exist. But thats one of the things I enjoy about it. I enjoy having faith in something bigger than you or I. And then the ever so popular question comes up " What if im wrong and we are just part of a cosmic coincidence" Oh no I cant bare the thought of being wrong and finding out after. People often ask me what proof there is that god exists. And one of my favorite answers is from a walk to remember. You believe in the wind even though you cant see it, thats because it moves you and has an affect on you. I strongly believe that if we all listen in, we can feel god and see his effects. Im not trying to push my stuff on anyone just letting you know my opinion :)

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