Thursday, January 24, 2008

What's new?

Well, alot of things are new, an example would be I put Nutella on my sandwich instead of peanut-butter and thats as interesting as it gets. I have been checking out allot of forums for one I like recently but most of them seem like its just a bunch of idiot's who managed to figure out a keyboard. Oh well, I got an interview to work at the Cold Lake Sun today and it went well I start next Thursday, my dream of being a writer is starting to unfold. I got my new rockband guitar so even as I type this my hands are begging me to stop, they just cant take it anymore.
For some odd reason in the last few days I have found myself really into astronomy. Looking at hundreds of pictures of the universe even going as far as star-gazing by myself on a cold winter night. The stars are amazing phenomenon's aren't they. Amazing spheres of fiery inferno, billions of miles away but when I look at them I know there is something more, something bigger. Something I cant explain. It cant help but make you feel tiny like a single pixel in a bigger picture.

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